Dendrometria este o disciplină care se ocupă cu metodele de măsurare a volumului arborilor și arboretelor (sinonim: taxație forestieră). Auxologia forestieră este ştiinţa care se ocupă de studiul creşterilor arborilor şi a părţilor lor componente, a arboretelor sau a pădurii în ansamblul ei, în raport cu condiţiile naturale de vegetaţie şi măsurile gospodăreşti de aplicat.
Forest mensuration plays an important role in the practice of forest management. Forest research requires information about the density of forests, diversity, spatial distribution of trees within stands, the size distribution of trees within stands and the expected growth of trees and stands. Demand for more and better information from forests has prompted the development and application of new instrumentation and measurement methods.
Forest mensuration has undergone a number of important changes in recent years. Among the most notable are laser and ultrasound based measuring devices, and use of drones, terrestrial and airborne laserscanning, satellite imagery and other advanced remote sensing techniques that are being used to measure and monitor trees and forests. These devices have reduced considerably the time needed for field measurements and can be used to quickly obtain many tree characteristics including spatial positions. Additionally, new methods have been developed for conducting tree-ring analyses including techniques for assessing the physical, chemical, and anatomic properties of wood. Such measurements are being used for reconstructions of growth conditions and investigations of the impacts of environmental changes on forest growth.
Лесная таксация - комплекс технических действий, направленных на выявление, учет и оценку количественных (запас) и качественных (товарность) характеристик лесных ресурсов. Лесная таксация как наука разрабатывает теорию оценки и учета отдельных деревьев, их совокупности, готовой продукции в виде сортиментов, отдельных древостоев и насаждений. Лесная таксация как практическая дисциплина разрабатывает методы таксации различных лесных объектов, способы учета запасов и выхода сортиментов отдельных древостоев, насаждений и лесных массивов, а также инструменты и способы их применения для измерения отдельных деревьев, древостоев, для разработки лесотаксационных нормативов и таблиц.
ДЕНДРОМЕТРИЯ (от греч. dendron - дерево и metreo - измеряю): раздел таксации леса, изучающий методы и способы измерения и учета отдельных деревьев, их совокупностей (древостоев), лесных массивов и лесной древесной продукции. В странах Западной Европы дендрометрией называют научную дисциплину, изучающую методы измерения или учета леса.
- Teacher: Vitalie Gulca