Amenajamentul sau amenajarea pădurilor prin conţinutul său, reprezintă ramura ştiinţelor silvice al cărei obiect îl constituie practica amenajării pădurilor  – un domeniu distinct al praxiologiei forestiere.

Termenul amenajarea pădurilor exprimă, evident, o acţiune, după cum, de altfel, acelaşi înţeles îl are şi termenul amenajament. A amenaja înseamnă, în general, a face să corespundă unui scop. Amenajarea pădurilor sau amenajamentul are într-adevăr acest sens; reprezintă un ansamblu de preocupări şi măsuri menite să asigure aducerea şi păstrarea pădurilor în starea cea mai corespunzătoare funcţiilor economice şi sociale ori ecologice pe care sunt chemate să le îndeplinească.

Aşadar, prin amenajarea pădurilor sau amenajament se înţelege atât activitatea practică de amenajare – practica amenajării pădurilor, cât şi ştiinţa sau disciplina ştiinţifică al cărei obiect îl constituie această practică.

Foresters develop and implement forest management plans relying on mapped resource inventories showing an area's topographical features as well as its distribution of trees (by species) and other plant cover. Plans also include landowner objectives, roads, culverts, proximity to human habitation, water features and hydrological conditions, and soils information. Forest management plans typically include recommended silvicultural treatments and a timetable for their implementation. Application of digital maps in Geographic Informations systems (GIS) that extracts and integrates different information about forest terrains, soil type and tree covers, etc. using, e.g. laser scanning, enhances forest management plans in modern systems.

Forest management plans include recommendations to achieve the landowner's objectives and desired future condition for the property subject to ecological, financial, logistical (e.g. access to resources), and other constraints. On some properties, plans focus on producing quality wood products for processing or sale. Hence, tree species, quantity, and form, all central to the value of harvested products quality and quantity, tend to be important components of silvicultural plans.

Good management plans include consideration of future conditions of the stand after any recommended harvests treatments, including future treatments (particularly in intermediate stand treatments), and plans for natural or artificial regeneration after final harvests.

The objectives of landowners and leaseholders influence plans for harvest and subsequent site treatment. In Britain, plans featuring "good forestry practice" must always consider the needs of other stakeholders such as nearby communities or rural residents living within or adjacent to woodland areas. Foresters consider tree felling and environmental legislation when developing plans. Plans instruct the sustainable harvesting and replacement of trees. They indicate whether road building or other forest engineering operations are required.

Agriculture and forest leaders are also trying to understand how the climate change legislation will affect what they do. The information gathered will provide the data that will determine the role of agriculture and forestry in a new climate change regulatory system.[36]

Лесоустройство —система государственных мероприятий, направленных на обеспечение рационального использования, повышение продуктивности , воспроизводство, охрану и защиту лесов, а также повышение культуры лесного хозяйства. Лесоустройство включает в себя изучение лесорастительных и экономических условий территории, разработку проектов ведения лесного хозяйства обоснование объемы лесохозяйственных мероприятий и возможный размер пользования древесиной. На данный момент лесоустройство регулируется лесным кодексом.

Лесоустройство как наука представляет собой учение об организации лесного хозяйства, государственной инвентаризации лесов и составлением перспективного плана развития лесного хозяйства.

Лісовпорядкування — комплекс заходів, спрямованих на забезпечення ефективної організації та науково обґрунтованого ведення лісового господарства, охорони, захисту, раціонального використання, підвищення екологічного та ресурсного потенціалу лісів, культури ведення лісового господарства, отримання достовірної і всебічної інформації про лісовий фонд України.